

  • kybella-logoSubmental fullness, sometimes referred to as “double chin,” is a common, yet undertreated facial aesthetic condition.1It can detract from an otherwise balanced and harmonious facial appearance2 – leading to an older and heavier look.3
  • Submental fullness can impact a broad range of adults, including both women and men, and can be caused by aging, genetics and weight gain.4
  • According to a 2015 survey by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), over 2/3 of consumers are bothered by submental fullness – nearly as many as those bothered by lines and wrinkles around the eyes.5

How does Kybella work?

  • KYBELLA®is a non-human and non-animal formulation of deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.7
  • When injected into subcutaneous fat, KYBELLA®causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat. After the aesthetic response is achieved, retreatment with KYBELLA® is not expected.1
  • To avoid potential tissue damage, KYBELLA®should not be injected into or in close proximity (1-1.5 cm) to the marginal mandibular nerve, salivary glands, lymph nodes and muscles.

What are the results of Kybella?

  • 68.2% of subjects treated with KYBELLA®experienced a ≥1-grade improvement with KYBELLA® compared to 20.5% of placebo-treated subjects, based upon validated physician and patient measurements.*
  • 16% of patients experienced a ≥2-grade improvement with KYBELLA®, compared to 2% of patients who responded to placebo, based on validated physician and patient measurements
  • KYBELLA®treatment resulted in high patient satisfaction – 79% of KYBELLA®-treated patients reported satisfaction with their appearance in association with their face and chin.
  • Patients also reported improvement in the visual and emotional impact of submental fat when asked how happy, bothered, self-conscious, embarrassed, old and overweight they felt following treatment in relation to the amount of their submental fat.
  • Marginal mandibular nerve (MMN) injury occurred in 4% and dysphagia occurred in 2% of subjects. To avoid potential tissue damage, KYBELLA®should not be injected into or in close proximity (1-1.5 cm) to the MMN, salivary glands, lymph nodes and muscles.
  • The most common adverse reactions were edema/swelling, hematoma/bruising, pain, numbness, erythema and induration.

*Information provided by

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